Howl Redux: On Noisific(a)tion
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
Chapter from the book: Mandic, D et al. 2023. HEAR.
Chapter from the book: Mandic, D et al. 2023. HEAR.
After a solitary and austere winter in Copenhagen, sound researcher Budhaditya Chattopadhyay again meets media artist Budhaditya Chattopadhyay in Berlin. It is a small but cosy apartment turned film studio in the Alt Treptow area, just beside the canal where Rosa Luxemburg was assassinated in 1919. Summer is just sprouting between arrays of grey buildings; calm and domesticized balconies are listening to each other. The courtyard resonates with children safely grazing the greener grass and the buzzing neighbourhood leaves out shabby outsiders on the park benches, or under the bridge. One can hear the faint sounds of an opera aria played on a vinyl from a gentrified drawing room. As they sit opposite to each other in the kitchen, coffee is brewing. Following are the snippets of the ensuing intraaudition as it was scribbled. These inwardly contemplative discourses may reveal artistic research as a self-aware conversation between the artist and the researcher often present in the same body.
Chattopadhyay, B. 2023. Howl Redux: On Noisific(a)tion. In: Mandic, D et al (eds.), HEAR. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI:
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Published on Feb. 14, 2023