Beyond Big Data Capitalism, Towards Dialectical Digital Modernity : Reflections on David Chandler’s Chapter
Affiliation: University of Westminster, GB
Chapter from the book: Chandler D. & Fuchs C. 2019. Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data.
This contribution reflects on David Chandler’s chapter 'Digital Governance in the Anthropocene: The Rise of the Correlational Machine'. It discusses aspects of pre-modernity, modernism and postmodernism and in this context advances the logic of dialectical modernity. Big data capitalism is incompletely modern and undialectical, it does not advance post-epistemology, but instrumental reason and digital solutionism. Based on Hegel, David Harvey and Immanuel Wallerstein, this contribution argues that governing the digital and society needs to deal with complexity and uncertainty by advancing a fully dialectical logic.